21 MAY 2013 | ASHLAND, OR — Things are going so well this year at the Siskiyou Mountain Club.
But we have ran into a huge hurdle. Our scholarship crew, comprised of high school seniors from southern Oregon who are graduating in just a couple of weeks, need boots. Badly.
The work they’re going to be doing is hazardous, and each crew member needs a good pair of sturdy, ankle-supporting boots for safety. There’s not an item of gear that is more important, or more expensive.
A pair of tennis shoes or Wal-Mart knock-offs just doesn’t cut it for youth working through the West’s most heinous trail conditions. A decent pair of boots starts at about $100, going up from there, and our students simply don’t have the resources for a purchase that size.
So we’ve started a special gear fund. Our members can make sure their money goes straight to putting boots on youth. When you donate online to our gear fund, or itemize your check “boots” or “gear,” your dollars will go straight to purchasing a pair of boots for a young person who made a huge commitment to public service so they can continue their education.
Gifts to our gear fund are tax-deductible, and go straight to your membership. This is your chance to make a real difference. Our youth deserve a good pair of boots.
The scholarship orientation trip is June 1-2, and we need to get the boots before then, so give online now, or send itemized check to:
Siskiyou Mtn Club
340 ‘A’ St, Ste 112
Ashland, OR 97520