12 February 2013 | Ashland, OR — On February 18 the Club will put on its first presentation of Campfire Confessions, Real stories from the Siskiyou backcountry.
The highlight of the short presentations are inspiring stories told straight from volunteers. Next Monday, Southern Oregon University senior Austin Kasner will share his experience with a small audience in Ashland’s railroad district.
Kasner knew about the Club from friends, but never saw himself working on a trail crew. But somehow, last August he found himself smack dab in the middle of southwest Oregon’s rugged Kalmiopsis Wilderness Area for a 9-day work spike with the Club.
After just one day, Kasner’s feet had blisters and he’d grown weary about his commitment.
“Eight more days? I don’t know if I can do this,” Kasner says early on in his story.
The presentation lasts about 45-minutes altogether, and includes a visual narrative through southwest Oregon’s federal wilderness areas.
Campfire Confessions will be presented the third Monday of every month. Because space is limited, attendees must be invited and RSVP.
Would you like to be invited? Email SMC Director Gabe Howe, or go to www.siskiyoumountainclub.org/campfire-confessions to learn more.