23 March 2014 | New York City, New York — We featured Sarah Goodchild-Robb back in a 2012 volunteer profile.
Sarah joined the SMC for 2010 and 2011 work parties, deep in the Kalmiopsis, as the Club was first forming. She used the Kalmiopsis’ transitioning landscape for inspiration in her art. She was busy then moving to New York to start graduate work at New York City College.
Since then she’s been even busier:
We had a chance to talk with Sarah yesterday about finishing her Master’s Thesis and her time in New York.
“A lot of the work I did was sculpture,” she says. “I do a lot of repetitive tasks. My work is the evidence, or remnant of those tasks.” The Thesis work involved large installations that demanded “lots of manual labor.”
After finishing her Thesis, Sarah has a little room to breath.
“Hiking and friends are my priority right now,” she says. She’s got her eyes set perhaps on the Catskills or Adirondacks. “I’ve become so sick of seeing all these skyscrapers.”
Sarah is coming back to Oregon late summer and wants to join the Club for another trip. “It all depends on if I can afford it.”
We hope she can.
“I’m homesick for Oregon,” Sarah says. “I want to come back and hike the entire route.”