This Place is So Special
That we won’t tell you where it is
17 April 2014 | Selma, OR —Recently members of the Club’s Sand County Scholars Circle were invited for an outing into a rarely seen area adjacent the Kalmiopsis Wilderness Area. This is what they found:
Uninterrupted views went on forever.
We came across a plethora of conifers that dodged the 2002 Biscuit Fire: Doug fir, ponderosa pine, western white pine, Jeffrey pine, knobcone pine, lodgepole pine, incense cedar, sugar pine, Port-Orford cedar.
We climbed nameless prominent peaks and stumbled back down steep, rocky ridges. “Now this is wild,” said member Brad Dorchuck, peering out into the vast drainage.
The group camped at a creek whose waters were cold, crystal clear and wild:
“There are very few places in the world left like this,” I tell Brad on the hike out. “This is really, really wild.”