Stewardship Update
photos by Field Manager Nick Hodges
In 13 years of operation, this June was our busiest to date. We onboarded 17 interns, putting our July head count at 27 staff and interns total. Below we have details on our June accomplishments, but first a big welcome Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest Deputy Supervisor Dave Brillenz and Acting Supervisor Jake Winn! Also, a big thank you to the Oregon Caves National Monument & Preserve for hosting our interns for a couple of cave tours!
2 field managers
5 assistant crew leaders
Miles maintained: 74.45
Volunteer and intern hours: 3,201
June Hours & Miles
Miles maintained: 17.75
Miles improved: 3.50
Field staff hours: 1,342
Volunteer and intern hours: 2,806
June 2023 highlights
Landscape-scale accomplishments include restoring two loops. In the Kalmiopsis Wilderness, we did a heavy lift on the Florence Way 1219-A that opened up a ~26 mile loop and in the Red Buttes Wilderness, we restored the Fehley Gulch Trail that opened a 9-mile loop that would make a great first backpacking trip. All work was completed on the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest’s Gold Beach, Wild Rivers, and Siskiyou Mountains Ranger Districts. The details (all links go to CalTopo maps of that trail/region):
June 3 – 9: Illinois River
Crew of 5 staff and 11 interns brushed Illinois River Trail from 091 Road Terminus to Bald Mountain, Florence Way Trail 1219-A from Bald Mountain to Pine Flat, and the Shorty Noble Way Trail 1185. They crosscut 110+ logs on the described route.
June 14 – 21: Chetco River
Crew of 11 interns and 6 staff completed clearing of thick brush walls growing on the Tincup Trail 1117 from its western terminus approximately 5 miles to the confluence of Boulder Creek. Emphasized aggressive clearing limits. They also crosscut approximately 52 logs.
June 16 – 17: Sweaty Gap
Crew of six volunteers logged out approximately 60 logs.
June 23: Kalmiopsis Rim
We partnered with Backcountry Hunters and Sportsmen to coordinate.8 volunteers who brushed Kalmiopsis Rim Trail north from the Babyfoot Lake Rim Junction. This trip was led by our board chair, Dave Brennan. Thanks to Wild River District Ranger Scott Blower for meeting up with the crew beforehand!
More work has commenced in the Kalmiopsis Wilderness with an emphasis on some of the area’s most fire-prone corridors where we are maintaining aggressive clearing limits through thick brush and downed timber. We will shift to projects in the Boulder Creek Wilderness and the high Siskiyou for the remainder of July.
Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any inquiries or if you’d like to check in. Thank you!
Gabriel Howe
P.S. A few extras:
- Check out these video clips taken from the Red Buttes:
- All of our ’23 before-and-afters are available in the public folder:
- This update is available on our website