May 3 Volunteer In The Kalmiopsis

This Saturday The Weather Will Be Perfect


To Hike Here

This Saturday, May 3 we’re heading up to the Babyfoot Lake Trailhead. From there we’ll hike about five difficult miles into the Kalmiopsis Wilderness. Then we’ll spend the day on heavy brushing projects about halfway between Babyfoot and the Chetco.

Come challenge yourself and see a wilder, unconfined side of the Kalmiopsis Wilderness. This is a long day trip catered to those looking to push themselves and find a genuine wilderness experience. You need to be in good physical shape and have an adventurous attitude for this project.

You’ll see a lot of wild country in one day and experience the gratification of working on a more advanced, technical project. Hike through skeleton forests and over serpentine mountain ridges.

It’s rare that this section of the Trans-Kalmiopsis Route isn’t either socked in by rain or blazing hot. But this Saturday we should have perfect weather!

We’ll leave Ashland, OR at 7 a.m. and be back to the trailhead by 7 p.m. Call 541-708-2056 or email for details and to sign-up.

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