Siskiyou Mountain Club Long live the backwoods trails Contact, Gabriel Howe, Executive Director 541-708-2056 10 JANUARY 2023 For Immediate Release: Siskiyou Mountain Club hiring 2023 interns to live and work for a summer in the backcountry.."If we don't do [...]
01 JANUARY 2023 | GRANTS PASS, OR. -- Whether you're dusting off the old pack or you've never embarked on an overnight backpacking trip, we know it can be intimidating. So sign up for our Backpackers Academy, a two hour [...]
20 SEPTEMBER 2022 | ASHLAND, OR. -- Siskiyou Mountain Club is seeking videos from our members to be used in a short film project. If are passionate about our mission, have a smartphone and five minutes, you can help with [...]
Siskiyou Mountain Club Long live the backwoods trails Press Release Contact: Gabriel Howe, Executive Director 541-708-2056 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Siskiyou Mountain Club opens 30-mile National Recreation Trail for first time since 2002 Biscuit Fire, but "nobody's going to hold [...]
12 JULY 2022 Hiking the Illinois River Trail The 30-mile Illinois River Trail traverses the northern recess of the 180,000-acre Kalmiopsis Wilderness Area. The punishing elevation profile and unforgiving terrain is characteristic of this remote pocket of Southwest Oregon, where [...]
for the Siskiyou Hiker 22 MAY 2022 | GOLD HILL, OR -- Alex Relph worked as a 2014 intern on our Wilderness Corps, and served as a crew leader in 2016 where she led our first trips through the Red [...]
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29 MARCH 2022 | CASCADE-SISKIYOU NATIONAL MONUMENT, OR. -- Check out our spring lineup of hikes below, or go to our full calendar. All Siskiyou Mountain Club outings are free and led by qualified staff and volunteers. April 9 - [...]