Forest Service to host trails summit

for the Siskiyou Hiker

02 JUNE 2017 | MEDFORD, ORE. — The Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest is hosting a trails summit this year, some time in November. The agency wants to tap into growing energy and enthusiasm around trails, and build a network of groups and citizens to help.

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They’re asking for help with the planning and seeking input on

  • Locations for the sessions
  • November dates to maximize attendance
  • Groups and organizations to invite
  • Advertising and outreach

    Email the Forest’s recreation planner Julie Martin ( or call 541-618-2066 to get plugged in.

    ger Districts and rural communities get strong representation through this process,” says executive director Gabriel Howe. “We’ll make sure that happens.” Read more...###

    Do you have relevant events you want us to publish? Just email the details and dates to

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